Chrissy & Kyle's
Spark Box Retreat
for print makers, in
Prince Edward County
I was fortunate enough to spend this week away
working in solitude in the absolutely together space
that these two young people have so well put together.
I can only praise their amazing efforts
and serious devotion to making art
and supporting artists.
Their print shop is a separate building
a skip and a hop from their main house
on 2 acres surrounded by old trees and farmland.
You are left alone to work, think or just hide away.
Their little dog Ricco, greets you with barks.
Do not misunderstand. He does not want you to pet him.
"Leave me alone, Buddy, you're on your own!" he makes that clear.
The house usually accommodates 3 guest artists.
I was fortunate to be alone. The other couple had to dash back
to a Toronto basement flood issue. Too bad for them.
During the nights I devoured Dan Brown's book, 'Inferno'.
In the daytime I felt I was in Prince Edward County
at night in Florence, Venice and Istanbul.
Like the author, to my surprise, I too have a Mickey Mouse wrist watch.
I notice the old shoes on a tiny table next to my bed?
Chrissy tells me they were found in the house,
in the walls.
(They were kept in those days to keep evil spirits away.)
By the end of the week I began to hear
the Catalpa leaves rattle softly like raindrops.
I can't remember the last time I had stopped to listen.