Corktown Common


It's the last week I can officially get into the grounds 
before it closes to the public for more work on the park. 
It has to be the bluest sky day ever. 
Amazing last week of summer.

I am sitting on top of steps in the park 
looking down at the men at work 
while I am drawing.

I hear hum of work. 
Swirls of dust. 
Cranes moving heavy things from one building to the next. 


In a strange way it is utterly quiet 
considering all the action going on. 

The skyline from here is changing into some wonderful shapes. 
All this is getting ready for the Pan Am games. This once upon a time 
boring corner has nothing boring about it now, including the title, 
The Canary District, new living spaces right on the edge of 
what will be the public park (Corktown Common).

I am alone until a couple on a tandem bicycle ride by. 

Back to River Street going home.

I see the Don River.  Beaver dam still there. 

Under the pass once dull and dark 
now SLAMS OF SKATEBOARDERS circling about. 
There is even colourful lighting for them under there. 
The spookiness of this place is gone. 

Change is happening in this no longer bleak wasteland.

There is hope and it looks pretty damn good!